Green Luma

Sunday, 30 June 2013

Substance Abuse

Some people are able to use recreational or prescription drugs without ever experiencing negative consequences or addiction. For many others, substance use can cause problems at work, home, school, and in relationships, leaving you feeling isolated, helpless, or ashamed.

If you’re worried about your own or a friend or family member’s drug use, it’s important to know that help is available. Learning about the nature of drug abuse and addiction—how it develops, what it looks like, and why it can have such a powerful hold—will give you a better understanding of the problem and how to best deal with it.

Substance abuse can simply be defined as a pattern of harmful use of any substance for mood-altering purposes. The use and misuse of alcohol and other drugs is one of the more controversial issues in our society, and often a source of conflict between generations and between sections of society. It's not the purpose of this page to tell people how to behave or to seek to label them as alcohol or drug abusers. Alcohol and other drugs are powerful substances with a potential to harm users or to tempt them into over-indulgence, so it is important to take care of yourself when considering using them and to avoid taking any risks which you might regret later.

No universal classification of what constitutes unhealthy use exists. Many classifications ignore the fact that alcohol and drug use is an accepted part of many social sets. What is seen as risky behaviour by one group is accepted as normal by another.

If you are wondering about your drink or drug use, have you considered the following?

Psychological consequences

  • Are you using drink or drugs to escape from a problem which you might be able to solve if you faced it? If so you may be perpetuating your shyness, anxiety, depression, unhappiness etc. rather than dealing with it for once and all.
  • Drink and drugs don't permanently change our world. They allow us to feel a temporary confidence or happiness, but the effect is usually one of borrowed time. Often the unhappiness or anxiety returns even more strongly once the effects wear off.
  • Drink and drugs can cause psychological problems by themselves. Alcohol can commonly cause depression; drugs can also cause depression, or can trigger anxiety or even psychosis (loss of reality).

Social consequences

  • Drink and drugs are often seriously expensive, so uncontrolled use can lead to financial problems.
  • You can quite easily end up in trouble with the law. Although drinking alcohol is legal, it can lead to assault and driving when drunk. Similarly, although the law may turn a blind eye to personal use of certain drugs, this attitude is not consistent. Sentences for any supplying drugs can be heavy and unpredictable. Any conviction for drink or drugs offences may severely limit the opportunities open to you in the future.
  • Pronounced use of drink or drugs tends to rigidly define social groups, so it may limit your circle of friends.
  • Continual or large scale use of alcohol has a bad effect on most people's sex-life.

Physical Consequences

  • Drink definitely lowers people's ability to resist harming themselves when they have problems.
  • Drink can lower people's inhibitions against hurting others.
  • Drink greatly lessens people's ability to say no to unwanted sexual encounters which they would have definitely avoided had they been sober.
  • Many serious accidents are drink and drug related.
  • There are long-term health risks.

All these things will not happen to everybody. You may be lucky and avoid any serious mishaps. However, all these consequences are seen routinely enough by anyone involved in welfare work to suggest they are not exaggerated or unusual.


你若担心你的朋友或家人会陷入毒品的深渊, 请记得援助是存在的。认识并了解毒品的作用及效果和毒品的样貌能够有效的让我们更能了解毒品所带来的伤害并找到更好的解决方案。



§  你是否有使用酒精或药物来逃避一个问题,一个如果你直接面对便可能解决的问题?如果是这样,那可能使你持续感到羞怯,焦虑,抑郁,不快等,而不是直接一次和全面性的把问题解决。

  • 酒精饮品和药物不会永久地改变我们的世界。他们只会让我们感受到暂时的信心和幸福,但效果通常只持续一小段时间。而通常,在酒精饮品和药物带来的效果消失后,我们感到的不满或焦虑感将会加倍强烈。
  • 酒精饮料和药物有引起心理问题的能力。酒精通常可以导致抑郁症;药物也可以导致抑郁症,或可引发焦虑,甚至精神病(失去真实感)。

§  酒精饮品和药物的价钱通常都非常昂贵,所以无节制的使用会导致经济上问题。

§  你将会轻易的与法律结下不解之缘。虽然饮酒是合法的,但它也可以导致冲突和醉酒驾驶。同样的,虽然法律可能对个人使用的某些药物视而不见,但这种态度并不一致。任何有关于毒品的人事物都是沉重和无法预测的。当你因为任何酒精饮品或毒品造成的罪行被定罪,它很有可能会严重限制你未来将会得到的机会。

§  使用酒精或药物往往会被大家直接界定你的社交圈,所以它可能会限制你的朋友圈。

§  持续或大量的使用酒精使大多数人的性生活产生不良的影响。


§  当人们有问题时,酒精饮品必然会降低他们抵抗伤害自己的能力。

§  酒精饮品可降低人们克制自己伤害他人的能力。

§  酒精饮品大大减低市民拒绝不必要的性接触的能力,相反地当他们清醒的时候,他们绝对会避免它的发生。

§  许多严重的事故都是与酒精饮品和药物有关的。

§  带来长期的健康风险。


Written by: Shiang Yun

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Meeting with TLC

Meeting with TLC
Last Friday (21/6/2013), we had a meeting with the employees of the Truly Loving Company (TLC) at their respective venue. I would say it is totally a whole new experience for every leader in this philanthropy campaign as this is our first time presenting our campaign’s proposal to our client.

On that day itself, every one of us were so nervous as we do not know how things will goes around. During the meeting, all leaders were given the opportunity to present their parts to TLC and guess what guys? At the end of the presentation, we were given a positive feedback from TLC! Though there are some positive critics at certain parts of the proposal, but we as a group believes in “No Pain, No Gain!” and there are always the room for improvements.

All in all, every one of us had really worked hard to compile this proposal ideas. I know staying up late nights and brainstorming for hours is never an easy task but at the end of the day, all these efforts definitely paid off when we got our credits from our clients. I am sure this has brought every one of us to another journey of the campaign! Thank you mates, you guys are just awesome in all ways.

Yeah! We, APR1’s Philanthropy Angels are delighted to present to you our campaign - “Keep Mind Clear, Keep Life Dear”. So, please kindly stay tune with us for more updates! Thank you!


当天,我们每人带着忐忑不安的心情去进行会议 ,因为我们都不晓得我们的方案会否被接纳。会议期间,每位领导者都有着相同的机会去介绍活动方案的每一小部分。最值得庆幸的是,我们所提出的活动方案竟然被TLC給予積極。虽然我们的方案里有一些修改,但我们都不感到气馁!反而这样会使我们更加有一股推动力想把这次的活动办得更有声有色。因为我们坚信着“一分耕耘,一分收获”的用意。



Written by: Jeryll Lim

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Visit to Pengasih Malaysia

We paid a visit to Rumah Pengasih - the rehabilitation centre that we are collaborating with for Project WATTS. Our team was indeed surprised  when we arrived at the centre - it did not look like a rehab at all. Instead, we felt as if we've just stepped foot into a calm and serene holiday spot. The area was filled with trees, dotted with little houses on stilts all around(which we later learned that it was where the patients lived).
We were greeted warmly by Sarah, one of the recovering addicts, who ushered us to hall where a talk  and a quick Q & A session was held. We were later introduced to Zulkifli, who was an ex-drug abuser who successfully battled addiction many years ago. Zulkifli had such a  good command of English, no one would have thought he was once a high school drop-out, let alone a victim of substance abuse. Sarah, on the other hand, not only has an excellent command of both Bahasa Malaysia and English, but also a college degree in Hotel Management. Our team learnt from both of them that substance abuse can happen to anyone at any age at all. The scariest part is you wouldn't know it until it's too late.
The team from Pengasih Malaysia explained that they did not want their recovering addicts to felt  as if they were in a rehab - Pengasih wanted them to feel as if this is the place where they recuperate and rid of their addiction in peace without feeling like they have done something  so wrong that there is no turning back for them, more importantly, they wanted the victims to feel at home, to feel loved. Hence, the name Pengasih.
They were thoughtful enough to provide us with tea time, making us feel loved too! We had tea (homemade by people from Pengasih!) at Anjung Norma, which Sarah explains is where everyone has lunch and dinner together everyday, making them one big family. We at Project WATTS are truly touched by the little gestures Pengasih Malaysia adds in to make the addicts feel accepted into society. All of us left the rehabilitation centre feeling a little more determined to help them in any way we can. Do help us help them. :)

我们到与我们合作WATTS计划的关怀之家进行了探访。当我们抵达那里时,这所戒毒中心给了我们前所未有的惊喜。 这里一点也看起来不像是个戒毒中心,换句话说更像是个度假村。四周被树林围绕着,四周还有着一间间的小屋,如此的诗情画意。

我们的到前的紧张达在被也曾是一名瘾君子——莎拉女士的热情下渐渐融化了。 莎拉女士领着我们到了大厅,一路上给我们做了简单的介绍与耐心的回答我们的提问。在那之后,她将我们交给另一个负责人,朱利飞先生。朱利飞先生也是名成功的戒毒者。让我们惊讶的是朱利飞先生的英文会话能力令我们无法相信他是名中辍生。而莎拉女士不止在马来文以及英文上拥有卓越的会话能力,她也是拥有酒店管理学士学位的学生。我们从中意识到滥用物品能发生在任何人,任何年龄上。最让人发指的是,人们总是到了无法悬崖勒马的地步才来后悔。


关怀之家也用他们的方式给我们了爱,他们贴心的为我们准备了茶点,让我们体会到了他们满满的爱心。我们在这充满爱的茶点中坐在他们成为Anjung Norma的食堂里享受这份特别的礼物。这个食堂是他们大家每天一同吃饭交流的地方,让他们有了如同家人的牵绊。 我们在WATTS计划中所体会到的非笔墨所能形容。当我们离开关怀之家时,大家的动力也无形中提升了。欢迎你与我们一起帮助他们。

Written by: Emily Su Mei

Monday, 24 June 2013

Project WATTS - To a better life for you and loved ones

One of Project W.A.T.T.S. is collaboration between TLC(The Truly Loving Company) ,Pengasih Malaysia and TARUC Advance Diploma Year 1 students. Our mission is to enhance the awareness of substance abuse by Keeping You Mind Clear and Keep Your Life Dear. Please stay tune for our updates about Project W.A.T.T.S. Before that, please do log into TLC and Pengasih Malaysia for further information.

W.A.T.T.S.计划的其中一项活动是与TLC(Truly Loving Company), 马来西亚关怀之家以及拉曼学院大学高级文凭公共关系学的一年级生们一同联手举办的。我们的任务是提高人们对于滥用药品的意识并提倡保持思绪清晰,生活欢心的健康生活方式。欲知更多有关这慈善活动的详情,请关注我们的下一个部落格文章。与此同时,欢迎游览TLC马来西亚关怀之家的官方网站以了解更多详情。

Project W.A.T.T.S.

What is Project W.A.T.T.S.? It stands for “Where Aid Turns to Sustainability”. Now, let me explain to you further on Project W.A.T.T.S.

Project W.A.T.T.S. is The Truly Loving Company (TLC) vision of social engagement for charitable is about channeling the collective energy of the community in helping the less fortune and disable in our society. Project W.A.T.T.S. 2013 provides 12 selected homes with energy saving electrical appliances and light bulbs which for reduce operational cost. By reducing their operational cost, those charity home can get to help more people who need help.

By launching Project W.A.T.T.S. 2013, TLC brings together corporations and youth institutions even individuals to fulfill the wishes of those selected 12 homes to encourage team building and a caring culture among youth or employees. This is to help to build up and develop leaders in future to bring about positive change in our community.

TLC choose youth institutions based on the charity home vision and mission to educate youth while they running the event. For example, TLC choose us to run event for Pengasih Malaysia to enhance our awareness by not to take part in substance abuse.

 Through this W.A.T.T.S. Project, we not only can help those charity home but can get to save the environment by reducing CO2 emissions as well. 

Your present is always welcome. Come join us to keep away from substance abuse and let’s create a loving and caring society for our future hand in hand.

什么是W.A.T.T.S.计划?W.A.T.T.S.计划带有援助能促进发展的含义。 那现在请让我升入的为你解释WATTS计划。

W.A.T.T.S. 计划是由Truly Loving Company (TLC) 所提倡的。目的是为了能让社会一同参与公益活动。这项计划是让社会大众一同来帮助在社会中不幸或需要帮助的桥梁。WATTS 2013计划中有12间需要帮助的非政府组织机构,从中为他们更换节能电器以节省开销。节省下来的款项能让这12间非政府组织机构能帮助更多需要协助的人。    




Written by: Nika Leong
Translated by: Nika Leong


PENGASIH Malaysia is a Non-Profit Organization established on 1987 by 4 former drug users. They are providing a 6 – 12 months treatment services for formal substance abusers such as drug addict and alcoholic. The program's activities are intensive and residents will have to join Program Integrasi when they are ready. After all, they will be encourage to join Aftercare.

PENGASIH believes in living a better life - free from drugs. They had served with over 3,500 clients from different countries with their programs. 

To be an Internationally Recognized Institute and Knowledge Centre for Holistic Approach in Substance Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation.

PENGASIH Malaysia is on the mission to reduce the demand for illicit drugs in Asia, by developing and deploying effective methods in Intervention, Treatment and Rehabilitation.


Kindly refer to PENGASIH Malaysia 's offcial page for more information.  

PENGASIH Malaysia 是一个由4位曾经的瘾君子于1987年成立的非营利团体。PENGASIH成立的目的是为了替瘾君子进行戒毒吸食与注射毒品的恶习,他们以远离毒品会拥有 更美好的生活作为他们的宗旨,因此他们提供6至12个月的戒毒课程并且教育大众如何远离毒品. 

Written by: SC Kah

Truly Loving Company

Truly Loving Company (TLC) is a social enterprise and uses a corporate profit model for charities. It is a company which produces household products and the first and only company in Malaysia that pledge 100% of its dividend for charity purpose whereby PB Trustee Services Bhd is holding the 99.9% of TLC shares.

TLC was established on 11th July 2006 with a mission of funds for charitable. TLC wishes to enable everyone to care for and to support charitable causes everyday in the comfort of their homes in order to help less fortunate.

TLC is having several charity partners such as Rumah Aman, HOSPIS Malaysia, Shelter Home for Children, NASAM, and handicapped and mentally disabled children association Johor BahruTLC has charity project every year to help those charity organisations whereas Project WATTS 2013 is the project for year 2013. For more information, please visit

TLC是一间社会企业,而它是将所得到的盈利全数捐于慈善用途。TLC是出产家用产品的公司,更是全马来西亚第一间,也是唯一一间将100%盈利捐于慈善用途的公司,而大众银行信托有限公司持有着TLC99.9%的股份。TLC成立于2006年7月11日,秉持着慈善筹款的任务。TLC希望每人都可以支持慈善以及帮助不幸人士。除此之外,TLC拥有几个合作的慈善伙伴而它们每年都会推行一个计划去帮助慈善机构,今年的计划名称叫做Project WATTS 2013.欲知更多详情,可浏览

Written by: Zhi Ying