Green Luma

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Meeting with TLC

Meeting with TLC
Last Friday (21/6/2013), we had a meeting with the employees of the Truly Loving Company (TLC) at their respective venue. I would say it is totally a whole new experience for every leader in this philanthropy campaign as this is our first time presenting our campaign’s proposal to our client.

On that day itself, every one of us were so nervous as we do not know how things will goes around. During the meeting, all leaders were given the opportunity to present their parts to TLC and guess what guys? At the end of the presentation, we were given a positive feedback from TLC! Though there are some positive critics at certain parts of the proposal, but we as a group believes in “No Pain, No Gain!” and there are always the room for improvements.

All in all, every one of us had really worked hard to compile this proposal ideas. I know staying up late nights and brainstorming for hours is never an easy task but at the end of the day, all these efforts definitely paid off when we got our credits from our clients. I am sure this has brought every one of us to another journey of the campaign! Thank you mates, you guys are just awesome in all ways.

Yeah! We, APR1’s Philanthropy Angels are delighted to present to you our campaign - “Keep Mind Clear, Keep Life Dear”. So, please kindly stay tune with us for more updates! Thank you!


当天,我们每人带着忐忑不安的心情去进行会议 ,因为我们都不晓得我们的方案会否被接纳。会议期间,每位领导者都有着相同的机会去介绍活动方案的每一小部分。最值得庆幸的是,我们所提出的活动方案竟然被TLC給予積極。虽然我们的方案里有一些修改,但我们都不感到气馁!反而这样会使我们更加有一股推动力想把这次的活动办得更有声有色。因为我们坚信着“一分耕耘,一分收获”的用意。



Written by: Jeryll Lim

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