last Keep Mind Clear, Keep Life Dear has come to the end, first of all we would
like to show gratitude to all of our sponsors that support our event as well as
our lecturer Ms. Lim Siz Siz and other Tunku Abdul Rahman University College
staffs, without their assist Keep Mind Clear, Keep Life Dear will not be unproblematic.
In addition we would like to thanks all the media that reports our event.
we are thankful that The Truly Loving Company (TLC) and Pengasih Malaysia has
giving us a chance to organize Keep Mind Clear, Keep Life Dear event. Through
this event we realized all the causes and consequences after take drugs along
with in future if there has a substance abuser needs help as list we know
Pengasih Malaysia can help.
we will still continue this helpful event. Want to know when and where our
event will held again? LIKE our Facebook page Keep Mind Clear, Keep Life Dear
or else follow our Blog. Once again we would like to say thank you to all the
contributor and supporter.
Written by: Yap Zhin Yee
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