Green Luma

Friday, 19 July 2013

Activities during event

Substance Abuse Exhibition
Our charity event “Keep Mind Clear, Keep Life Dear” will held in 22th of July to 26th of July. During the event, we will have an exhibition about drug abuse throughout the event, photo booth, games and so on. The exhibition will have informative explanation, photos to show the types of drugs and how does the different drugs looks like, the side effect of consuming the drugs, the consequence of selling drugs and so on. In addition, we hope that throughout this exhibition, people are able to understand more about the substance abuse and be aware of the effects of consuming drugs and learn to sayNo to drugs.

Photo booth
I DARE YOU’ Photo Booth
“I DARE YOU” photo booth is to encourage teenage to promise on staying away from substance abuse. Is it open for individual and groups of people (maximum 5), the term and condition are participants are welcomed to donate a minimum of RM3.00 (either individual or group) to get a copy of photo. Besides donate money, participants can choose to purchase the T-shirt we selling on the event, each piece is RM25.  And also, the photos will be uploaded to our Campaign Page on Facebook.  

During the event, we will play a few games with public. The objective of the game is to achieve minutes to focus, to create awareness on a person who do not involve in substance abuse will have a clear mind and 100% focus.

SOS (STRESS OUT Station) is a station to let people release their stress and to educate teenager on the positive methods on stress management. And also this is to create awareness on the impact of substance abuse.

我们的筹款活动思绪清晰,生活欢心“将在72226号之间,会进行一系列的活动, 像是毒品的展览, 照片环节, 游戏等等。在照片中我们将会展示出毒品的种类还有详细的解释,比如:当一个人吸了毒将会有什么副作用和卖毒品的后果。我们希望通过这个筹款活动,可以更清楚的让青少年了解滥用毒品的咨询,察觉滥用毒品将会带来的影响以便避免掉入毒品的陷阱,欢迎您加入我们,学习向毒品说“不”。

“我挑战你”这个拍照环节是为了鼓励青少年远离毒品。 这是公开给个人或是团体参加(一次最多开放给5个人),附带条款和条件是所有的参与者必须捐3零吉。 除了捐3零吉,参与者也可以选择买一件 T字袖衣。 参与者的照片也会上传去我们面子书的活动网站。预知更多详情,请密切关注我们的活动网站和部落格!

除此之外, 在活动当天,我们还会和观众进行一系列的游戏。 游戏的宗旨是为了制造醒觉当一个人在没有涉及滥用毒品的情况下,将会有100巴仙的的专注力和一个清晰的思绪。

Written by: Jane Chai

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