Green Luma

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Third Day- Learned from Mistakes.

Today was the third day of our event "Keep Mind Clear, Keep Life Dear" and is the first day that after we remove our black cloths for our exhibition as we decided at the previous meeting. When we make mistakes, we grow! We must learned how to improve to be better and it showed that after remove all the black cloths somehow show that the number of people read and gave comments about the information that provided by our exhibition team is increasing.

No matter what, students always felt that exhibition is a boring place and I never expect that there was a guy today went to our exhibition, I guide him walked around our exhibition and explain to him accordingly, and normally people will ask us "Which course are you guys from?" , so did he, I replied "We are from Advanced Diploma in Public Relations", surprisingly he told me, "Good Job!" I think students should come to your event, these information was very helpful and I gained knowledge actually, somehow this is the things that often happen around us but we never realize! he said.
Even though everyone was tired, never have a good rest since last week, having presentation, went for classes, on duty for event but we still will put a smile on our face, tying hard to ask people around to support us by doing charity, sharing all the information that we know to others students. For me, I felt that even how suffer, when students, lecturers or even staff in TARUC come to our event, supporting us, I will felt happy and worth it.

Two more days to go, teammates, we must be positive no matter how suffer we are. Together to work it out but not only the crews but also YOU.


不管怎样,展览对学生来说永远都是无聊或闷但是就在今天有位男生来到了我们的展览会,二话不说我就带他游览我们的展览同时也向他解释有关的资料。 一般的同学都会问我们是就读那个科系,他也不列外, 我也回答他我们就读高级文凭公共关系学。我没想过他竟然和我说,做得好!他觉得学生应该参与我们的展览会, 他觉得我们提供的资料非常有用以及增加了他的知识, 他就说这些东西都会发生在我们身边但是我们并没有察觉他的危险性。

就算我们再累, 整个星期没好好休息加上“presentation", 去上课,站岗但是我们还是不忘把笑容放在脸上,我们尽全力的去叫学生支持我们帮我们筹款,尽我们全力把我们懂的和学生分享。我个人觉得, 无论多辛苦,只要学生,老师们,学校的员工们来我们的活动,支持我们,我都会觉得很开心,付出都是值得的。

至队友们,还有两天不管多么的辛苦我们一定要保持正面。我们要一起让我们的工作完成不单止活动的队友们, 我们也需要你和我们一起把工作完成。

written by:
Peh Sow Chin

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