What?! Rob case happened inside college area today? Do you know what's going on?
Alright, we will find out later. As today is the last day of our pre-event, we actually runs the hall – to- hall announcement for continuously three days as one of our publicity strategies, yet we found out not every lecture halls are really working with the sound system which its really affect our publicity video playing.
Alright, we will find out later. As today is the last day of our pre-event, we actually runs the hall – to- hall announcement for continuously three days as one of our publicity strategies, yet we found out not every lecture halls are really working with the sound system which its really affect our publicity video playing.
However, it's not the only strategies, yet we have placed a very huge cigarette box which located outside CITC to catch students attention and visit to our event. Did you ever notice about that?
Well, about the rob case, that is actually part of our pre-event publicity that to bring out the message of anti substance abuse and promoting our event. These flash mob were arrange in 2 days with particular time slot at Canteen 2 and Canteen 1 inside TAR UC.
Well, about the rob case, that is actually part of our pre-event publicity that to bring out the message of anti substance abuse and promoting our event. These flash mob were arrange in 2 days with particular time slot at Canteen 2 and Canteen 1 inside TAR UC.
Instead of showing props and running hall-to hall announcement, we have also update our event Facebook page frequently to increase the approaching of publicity to the students and publics. Day 3 of pre-event, we hope it’s really creating a great response to the students and lecturers so that they will pay a visit to our event.
We will see you there !
Keep Mind Clear, Keep Life Dear.
好吧,答案即将揭晓!今天是我们的“思绪清晰,生活欢心” 活动宣传的第三天,除了一连串的造势活动,我们也同时播放了活动宣传短片,但其实我们也发现了讲堂内的音响系统不太奏效。怎么说?由于不是每一个讲堂的音响都完好无缺,因此当我们到达讲堂内宣传我们的活动的时候并不能完整地展示活动的宣传重点。
但是,这并不是唯一的宣传管道。人造大烟盒也将摆放在 大学学院的 CITC 外面以吸引学生们及工作人员的注意。
Written by:
Lee Kar Mun
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