Green Luma

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Launching Ceremony of Keep Mind Clear, Keep Life Dear – Day 1

Keep Mind Clear, Keep Life Dear launched by Dr. Tan Chik Heok and Ms Julia Chong (CEO of Truly Loving Company)

22th July is the launching ceremony of Keep Mind Clear, Keep Life Dear, this event was created by Advanced Diploma in Mass Communication (Public Relations) Year 1 student who study in Tunku Abdul Rahman University College. Keep Mind Clear, Keep Life Dear launching ceremony started at 10.30am with the arrival of our TARUC principal Dr. Tan Chik Heok, honorable VIPS, the media, sponsor and the lecturer. This event is collaborating with Truly Loving Company under the project W.A.T.T.S for Pengasih Malaysia with the aims to increase the awareness about anti-substance abuse to youth.
Ms. Julia Chong experienced at Stress Out Station

 The event was successfully launched by our Principal Dr. Tan Chik Heok and Ms Julia Chong (The CEO of Truly Loving Company) to lighten up a luminous bulb it brings the meaning of enlightening the abuse victim who is willing to turn over a new leaf. After the launching ceremony, VIPs and media group are invited to visited exhibition booth, mini games and fun booths. Our principal Dr. Tan Chik Heok and Ms. Julia Chong had experienced our games at Stress Out Stations to learn a positive to cope with stress.

Next, we also had placed a PR Stunt in the Canteen 2 concourse area, which is by using a sparkling juice to build out a beer bottle. This suggests youth to drink isotonic drinks instead of drink alcohol.
We encourage public especially youth to participate in this campaign, it emphasize on healthy and quality lifestyle. When they have awareness regard anti-substance abuse they will not easily influence by wrong group of people, therefore “Keep Mind Clear, Keep Life Dear” carry an important meaning.

PR Stunt encourage youth take isotonic drinks instead of alcohol

Written by: Chua Yeo Yew

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