It's getting nearer. A team of youngster will tell you how to keep
your mind clear, and even love your life more. Does anyone saw a "Mr.
Alcohol Bottle" was walking around in TARUC within 16th-18th July
Here is the picture that "Mr. Alcohol Bottle'" was walking around in TARUC. Don't get
shock, when "he" is talking with you. Feel free to capture a picture
with him, and upload to our Facebook Page. Keep Mind Clear. Keep Life Dear. You're
most welcome to do so.
We had received a lot of
positive feedback from TARUC's students, they are absolutely cute and active.
They do pay attention with the presentation that presented by our Project
Leader- Jon Tan. Some of them even will throw back question for us. Have a
great time with them :)
Yes! From the picture above, a team of pretty and handsome were holding
a board on their hand, they are walking around TARUC as well, Don't be surprise
that someone stand beside you and shout on you, they are crazy like nobody
else. Is a spirit for a youngster to have, Make sure you attend our event
on 22nd-26th July 2013, show us your spirit as well, to support former
substance abuser at Pengasih Malaysia.
What you have to do is, take out a pen, mark down your calendar,
on 22nd-26th
July 2013, from 10am-4pm, at TARUC Canteen 2 Foyer,
Kuala Lumpur Main Campus. At the column there,
notice description will be - Supporter for Pengasih
Your attendance is a support for them. See you there!
经过了一系列的宣传活动,不难发现拉曼大学学院的同学都非常的热情。他们会以他们的眼神告诉你,:‘我在很专心的听你在讲解。’, 甚至是会以发问问题的方式告诉我们说,其实他们想知道更多详情。
我知道学校范围里最近出现了一群处于兴奋状态的同学们,拿着手卡,在学校范围内大声吵闹。请原谅他们,他们迫不及待的要告诉你关于'思绪清新,生活安心' 的活动详情。
拿出你的钢笔和日历, 把以上的时间,地点,日期记下, 在活动的框栏里写上, '马来西亚关怀之家的支持者'。
LiewJiaQi 刘嘉琪
Programme Manager
Keep Mind Clear.Keep Life Dear
Advanced Diploma in Mass Communication ( Public Relations ) Year One
Tunku Abdul Rahman University College
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