Green Luma

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Fourth Day Review

Today was the fourth day of our events “Keep mind clear, Keep life dear”. Times flies, it’s has been comes to the last two days of our event. Again thanks for coming to support our event and thanks for following our blog and for all our campaign coverage until today. Please keep following us for more update.

After the few days, at least we saw the number of visitor increasing day by day. We manage to find out the problem which causes the least crowded during our event. For instances, we decided to remove the black clothes from the exhibition which make students afraid to go in have a look since yesterday. Next, we also decided to remove the total number of donation on the box of bail with condition. We hope it can increase the amount of donation after remove it. After the changes, we can obviously see the improvement of our event day by day. After the observation on the previous following day, we managed to find out the problem and find a solution to solve it. Problem solving everyday issues is very important in order to have improvement for a campaign. We have to work through inevitable problems calmly with all the groups’ mates and solve the problem without blaming who’s wrong and who’s right when a mistakes comes to us in order to comes up with solutions that work very well to all of us as well as the campaign.

During the fourth day, every of the crew were make an all-out effort to sell all the badges, movie tickets as well as cans drinks in order to raise fund. The team spirit deserves our praise. Everyone have the same goal which is able to collect enough fund for Pengasih Malaysia. Team spirit is very important as we supporting and help each other and most of us encourage each other to achieve the same goal where it is a way to make our campaign successful.


几天后,至少我们看见参观者逐渐的一天比一天增加。我们能够找出导致我们活动人群少的问题。譬如,我们觉定把展览会的黑拆除去。这问题也导致学生害怕进去展览的原因之一。然后,我们也觉定把筹款箱前的筹款数目给拆下。我们希望这可以帮助我们增加捐款的数目。经过更改后,我们明显看见我们的活动足以进步。经过多天的观察后, 我们找到了问题,并且找解决方法来解决它。解决日常问题是非常重要的,以便能改善活动的进展。当面临问题时,我们需要与队友通过不可避免的问题心平静和地,并不指着谁对谁错之下来解决问题使我们能把活动和事情办好。


Written by: Karin Wong

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