Green Luma

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Exhibitions Preparations

Jail reminds you of what? Does it remind you of something bad? Yes, this is our main concept of it for the substance abuse campaign and also one of the attractions to make people visit our event. You are allowed to take picture with the jail cell at canteen 2 foyer with any pose you want!  

The making of jail cell. 监狱制作。

There will also be an exhibition with full of information about Pengasih Malayisa. The exhibition will specifically focus on the information about substance abuse like, the reasons why people get addicted to drugs and substance, effects of substance abuse providing with visuals and the methods on how they walked out from the pass. This exhibition will helps you to have better information and understanding, knowing the consequences of abusing substances will lead you to an improper way of life. Nonetheless, we also provide S.O.S Station (Stress out Station) where there is a D.I.Y punching bag to allow you to release their stress on it. If you think this would not really help you to release your stress, come join the fun and interesting minute to focus games, prizes will be giving to those who complete the games in 60 second. Come challenge us! 

You might think of how you can contribute to this campaign, that’s easy! Spread this news around to your friends and not to forget getting yourself a can of refreshing isotonic drinks with only RM2, all the funds will go to Pengasih Malaysia. Are you ready for the campaign yet, peeps? 


                       Isotonic drinks that building up like a beer bottle shape.

 Written by : Ho Yew Yew

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