Green Luma

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

First Day Review

First day review about our event is main concept of it for the substance abuse campaign and also one of the attractions to make people visit our event. President of Tunku Abdul Rahman University College, YBhg Datuk Dr Tan Chik Heok and the CEO of Truly loving company (TLC), Miss Julia Chong is ‘Keep Life Clear, Keep Life Dear” launching VIP.

The exhibition have full of information about Pengasih Malayisa. So many students will know more about the Pengasih Malaysia what they are actually doing such as what kind of service they provide. Besides that, the exhibition will focus on the information about substance abuse like, the reasons why people get addicted to drugs and substance, effects of substance abuse providing with visuals and the methods on how they walked out from the past successfully and the statistics about the addicts and detected the drug.  This exhibition will help peoples know more about the information and knowing the consequences abusing substances will lead you to an improper way of life. 

In front of the stage we also arrange the Bottle Out The Message' is a beer bottle alike PR stunt made of 1, 500 cans of Yeo's H-TWO-O! This also attractive more of the students come to join our event.

This campaign is very interesting and grabs more people attention. The most important parts that are dissemination positive information. It spread a correct concept to the public. Also, we have awesome booth, stunning! The booth grabs people's attention. This campaign mention about the mascot and large props in the booth, it do successful in attracting people.
Lastly, the overall of the event still need to improvement, but we will try our best to let the event become more successful and more attractive.

Written by: Wong Yin Yin(Rachel)

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